Q: When did you start your DJ/Presenting career and why ?
A: Back in 2016 I joined Dave Winter on a community FM station.
It was a great start but I did not enjoy playing adverts.
Q: How long are you a DJ/Presenter at RAM FM ?
A: This month it will be 6 years of fun on RAM.
Q: How did you find RAM FM ?
A: I found the app on Kodi with advert free 80s music.
When I heard this crazy Dutch guy and his very professional wife
doing a show, I realised this was nice and abnormal enough for me.
Q: Why 80s music ?
A: Well it is the best decade musically and I grew up right through the 80s
(Not quite finished growing up of course).
Q: Do you have a special song you like and want to share with us and why ?
A: Talking Heads - Once In A Lifetime. (How did I get here?)
Q: Is there any music you like besides 80s ?
A: N/A
Q: Do you want to share more about yourself or about the station ?
A: N/A